Reproductive Health and Childbirth

Resources for engagement and involvement in health research

The following free resources are to effectively engage patients, the public, professionals, and industry in health research. This website is provided by the NIHR South Central Regional Research Delivery Network. Contact

ANODE study results poster 

Poster on the results of a study into whether a single dose of antibiotics can reduce infections after an operative vaginal birth. Audience: public.

RESPITE study results poster 

Poster on the results of a study into which painkiller is most effective for women in labour. Audience: public.

DiPEP study results poster 

Poster on the results of a study into whether blood tests or scans should be used to diagnose blood clots in pregnancy. Audience: public.

Taking part in pregnancy research: Grace's story

Poster about a participant in a pregnancy study in Oxford. Click the link to download and print from PDF. Audience: public.