Trauma and Emergency Care

Resources for engagement and involvement in health research

The following free resources are to effectively engage patients, the public, professionals, and industry in health research. This website is provided by the NIHR South Central Regional Research Delivery Network. Contact

CRASH-3 study results poster 

Poster on the results of a study into whether a widely available drug could reduce head injury deaths. Audience: public.

DRAFFT study results poster 

Poster on the results of a study into wires are as effective as metal plates for fixing fractured wrists. Audience: public.

PATH-2 study results poster 

Poster on the results of a study platelet injections to heal Achilles tendon injuries. Audience: public.

UK STAR study results poster 

Poster on the results of a study into whether a boot-style brace could be used to treat Achilles tendon rupture. Audience: public.